September 2024

🍂Time for the magic of Autumn🍂

September brings balance, transformation, and grounding with the Autumn Equinox. As we go through our colorful shift in nature, we must reflect, release, and express gratitude. Our energy will shift with our Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse which allows us a beautiful transition into Fall.

September 2: Motivation Monday


September 3: New Moon

On tonight’s New Moon, we set our fall energy and embrace our “quiet strength”-the calm and confident strength. Set time aside tonight to reflect, envision the future, and prepare for the harvest this Fall will bring.

September 9: Motivation Monday


September 13: Friday the 13th

People believe Friday the 13th is bad luck, but it’ meant for us to see challenges as opportunities for growth. Embrace the unknown and take risks. This enhances our intuition to make better decisions.

September 16: Motivation Monday

Harvest and Gratitude

September 17: Full Harvest Moon and Lunar Eclipse

This Harvest Full Moon is exremely powerful. A partial Lunar Eclipse is visible in North America beginning around 7PM. The Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse offer a chance to reflect on the wisdom gained over the year and celebrate the abundance we’ve achieved. This powerful time reveals hidden truths, encourages the release of outdated patterns, and invites us to balance both the light and shadow aspects of ourselves.

September 22: Autumn Equinox

The second and final time of the year where there is equal light and dark. We are also encouraged to find balance and self awareness, celebrate the abundance we’ve harvested, embrace change with acceptance, and release what no longer serves us. Now we ground ourselves, set intentions for future growth, and use our reflections to plan for new beginnings.

September 23: Motivation Monday

Reflection and Release

September 30: Motivation Monday

Grounding and Centering